Great Contemporaries

Great Contemporaries  
Author(s) Winston Churchill
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Subject(s) short biographies
Genre(s) Military history, Biography
Publisher Thornton Butterworth Ltd (1937). Odhams press Ltd (1947).
Publication date 1937
Media type hardcover
Pages 307

Great Contemporaries is a collection of 25 short biographical essays about famous people written by Winston Churchill.

The original collection of 21 essays published in 1937 were mainly written between 1928 and 1931. Four were added to the book in the 1939 edition, about Lord Fisher, Charles Stewart Parnell, Lord Baden-Powell and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1941 the essays on Boris Savinkov and Leon Trotsky were removed from editions published at that time, since they had been opponents of Joseph Stalin, who as leader of Russia was now officially an ally of Britain against Germany in World War II, and the article on Roosevelt was removed in 1942 when America also became officially an ally of Britain with Roosevelt as president. The Odhams edition of 1947 reinstated the three essays after the war.

Other subjects of the essays were Earl of Rosebery, Kaiser Wilhelm II, George Bernard Shaw, Joseph Chamberlain, Sir John French, John Morley, Hindenburg, Herbert Asquith, Lawrence of Arabia, the Earl of Birkenhead, Marshall Foch, Alfonso XIII, Douglas Haig, Arthur James Balfour, Adolf Hitler, George Nathaniel Curzon, Philip Snowden, Clemenceau, and George V.
